React02_Install React on MacOS
How to Install the React on the MacOs
1. Download Node.js
I installed the latest version of the Node.js, but that was unmatched with my npm.
2. Download VScode
Let me show you how I solved the problem.
3. Command on the terminal as below
## 1. install the react
sudo npm install create-react-app
## 1-1. Just clean cache. It could help you to solve the unmatched problem with npm.
npm cache clean --force
## 2. check it installed perfectly. If the install is end it shows you the version. like 5.0.1
npx create-react-app -V
## 3. move and make to directory where you want to develop the program.
mkdir ~~~
cd ~~~
## 4.
npx create-react-app .
## 6. If there are 6 files and folders are created, It is well done.
- folders : node_modules, public, src
- files : package-lock.json, package.json,
## 7. Open the VScode and turn on the "terminal" and command as below.
npm run start
4. Finish
If the screen below turns on the chrome something like that, It is the end of the install React!